This article has information, plot or ending details that can be considered as Spoilers. |
Filthy Rich is the main antagonist in the story of "An Apple Sleep Experiment" and is the posthumous antagonist of the sequel "Another Apple Sleep Experiment".
He is a greedy, corrupt businessman who tries to screw over Applejack and her family by having Applejack overwork herself instead of staying with his original deal of 400 Jars of Zap Apple Jam just so he could confiscate their family farm out of his own selfishness and greed, thus being mostly responsible (aside from Twilight Sparkle) for how Applejack broke her back legs and became a psychotic serial killer that she became in the first place.
In the audio adaptation, he was voiced by Gutiu Serenade.
He is an Grayish amber Earth Stallion who has a dark gray mane and tail with lighter highlights and light azure eyes. He also wears a dark blue and white collar resembling a businesd uniform with a red necktie that has a gold dollar sign on it.
His cutie mark shows three money bags, symbolizing his job as a rich businessman.
Filthy Rich is shown to be a very smug, exploitative, manipulative, selfish, greedy, dishonest, sleazy, and sociopathic individual who is willing to screw the Apple Family over with his deal.
He would make Applejack overwork herself to give him literally every single jar of Zap Apple Jam instead of his original deal he had for them of giving him 400 jars; If the Apple Family couldn't be able to complete their deal with him, he would plan to confiscate their Apple farm.
An Apple Sleep Experiment
He would appear in the first chapter "Heat", where he is telling Granny Smith that her family is in debt and are under threat of losing Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack would try to tell Filthy that the Apple Family has not borrowed money to him in ages, only for Granny Smith to say they actually did since due to the Drought, they've been borrowing some of the money just to keep up with demand. Filthy Rich would say that the Apple Family was passing the deadline on their debt, and that the Apple Family owes him about a half of Sweet Apple Acre’s worth by now.
Filthy Rich would give Applejack a deal that he can overlook the family's debt if she gave him the Apple Family's entire supply of Zap Apple Jam for the year. However, Applejack would say that the Apple Family already gave him half.
Another Apple Sleep Experiment
While not seen physically seen nor heard due to being dead, in the chapter "Twilight's Commemoration Preparation", he can be seen on the Commemoration Statue that Starlight Glimmer was sculpting.
- He was the first victim that Applejack killed in her wrathful, sleepless, hallucination-induced massacre.
- He is arguably the only victim who deserved his comeuppance.
- Despite knowing that the Apple Family is suffering from a drought and is dealing with working under scorching heat, he still forces them to try to meet the deadline of giving him every single jar of Zap Apple Jam within two weeks anyway, showing no concern for the risks of the Apple Family's lives.
- He is guilty for the main chain of events that happened in the story. If is very likely that if Filthy Rich just sticked with his main deal of 400 jars of Zap Apple Jam fairly, Twilight Sparkle would've never gave Applejack the Sleepless Potion and that Applejack's Massacure would've never happened, thus meaning that Filthy Rich and the other 12 ponies wouldn't have end up dead.
- Filthy Rich's crimes within the series includes:
- Breach of Contract
- Unfair business practices
- Extortion
- Coersion
- Reckless Endangerment
- Abuse (of power, psychological, financial)
- Labor exploitation
- Gross Negligence
- Unsafe working conditions
- Attempted fraud
“ | Filthy Rich:' You owe a great deal more than that, Granny Smith, and I for one would hate to see you lose this farm.” Applejack: “What in tarnation are ya goin’ on about?” Filthy Rich: Your Granny here is in quite some debt with me, young filly, and it’s high time I’m paid my money. Applejack: The Apple family hasn’t borrowed money from you in ages! Granny Smith: “Now hold on there, Applejack, that ain’t quite true youngin’.” 'Applejack: “Whaddya mean, Granny?” Granny Smith: Well… Ah didn’t want to worry you none but this season hasn’t been too kind on Sweet Apple Acres and we’ve been needing an extra bit or two just to keep up with demand. It’s just a bad weather spell is all, it’ll pass. Filthy Rich: That may be so, but what HAS passed is my deadline. What with interest and everything I’d say you’d owe about a half of your farm’s worth by now. Applejack: Half of the farm?! Granny why didn’t you tell me we were hurtin’ for money?! Granny Smith: Now, now Applejack, This here is my business, don’t you worry none.” Granny said. “You’re a reasonable pony, Filthy, can’t we work something out? Filthy Rich: I believe I may know just the thing. I think I could overlook this little debt of yours if you gave me twice the amount of Zap Apple Jam this year. Applejack:But you already take half. Filthy Rich: (smirks smugly) Precisely. Applejack: Wait a minute, you want our entire supply of Zap Apple Jam this year?! We need that money along with the sales of cider just to keep this family going in the winter time! Filthy Rich: Well, the way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice now do ya missy? Granny Smith: You can’t actually be considerin’ this, can ya Granny? Granny Smith: Well… Filthy Rich: I’ll be by in two weeks for my product. And I’ll be countin’ them jars too, don’t you go thinking you can hold out on ole Filthy Rich. I get every last jar or this farm goes into foreclosure, you hear? (Sarcastically) Good day. |
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~ Filthy Rich's conversation with Applejack |
No Pain No Gain
- "My my my… that IS mighty impressive young filly!”
- “It’s nice to see a little hustle these days.”
- “Repaid in full ‘s far as I’m concerned.”
- “Pardon?”
- “I believe I said EVERY jar of jam young filly.”
- “I appreciate your business sense Applejack but a deal’s a deal. Even with the extra jam that debt would still be technically underpaid. I’m doing you a favor, and all I ask is for the jars I was promised.”
- “Ain’t about being fair. It’s about knowing how to conduct business.”
- “Tell you what, I’ll let you buy back some of your jam - half price. For personal use of course. And if you’re hurtin’ for funds by the winter months, then y’all know you can come to ole Filthy Rich.”
- “Why I didn’t do a thing young filly, I’m only a business pony after all.”
- “It’s just good business.”
- “Nothing you can do about it now, little lady.”